
If you want to travel like a local, start your journey by staying with locals. Hotels offer comfort and luxury, but staying in someone’s home allows you to experience first-hand authentic life abroad. We gather recommendations for locally-owned and operated appartment rented by our friends and relatives. Like local residents, it offers you the oppertunity becoming immersed in a local culture vastly different. Ask locals about their favorite restaurants, parks, and clubs, or cooking by yourselves.


Appartment (For 2-6 people) Villa (For 5-10 people)

If you prefer hotels, we are happy to offer recommendations also, the price will be lower than normal online booking platform.

Hotels Level Five Star Hotel or similar Four Star Hotel or similar Three Star Hotel, Appartment or similar
Person/Room 2 2 2
Tripadvisor Price $ 65/Day $ 35/Day
China7day Price $  68/Day
¥ 480/Day
$ 48/Day
¥ 350/Day
$ 25/Day
¥ 180/Day

Feel free to email us for any questions about Traveling in Luoyang.

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